As previously mention these are very exciting and frightening times for the people of the United States. With the presidential election coming up it was most fitted for the class to research a few controversial issues that directly affect the United States society and economy. Each group had the opportunity to express their opinions with evidence-based facts. All the groups were extremely prepared and well informed in their topics since prior to their presentation they had access to the library's research center and were advised by the leaders and professor Sherry. All the groups overall did a pretty good job although there were a few minor step backs here and there. Overall almost all the students respectively received a good grade which was well deserved due to their efforts and great deliberation of information. Sadly Elizabeth and I weren't able to present our presentations due to the sad circumstances of the Coronavirus. We were planning on speaking on our purpose for the project and critique all of the groups individually. Since our presentation was ready but wasn't presented down below I would leave pictures of our PowerPoint. This project was the second presentation the class had to do overall with the first one not being so great it was the task of me and my leader friend to make sure everyone could do their best to succeed. With many different personalities in each group, it wasn't an easy task to help since many did not appreciate our efforts to guide them. I would daily try to tune in to every group in order to make sure they were doing the correct assigned work. I assisted one of the groups with the brochure due to my graphic design background, while also showing them the correct way of printing one. The experience of being a leader is something I extremely love doing. Being able to guide and help those in need is a passion of mine that I wish I could continue to do in the future. This project as a leader gave me a glimpse of what it means to be an instructor and how much work goes behind a complex assignment and how important your opinion is on someone's final grade. I am super grateful for the opportunity professor Sherry gave Elizabeth and I since it was an opportunity I was never able to really experience in another class. In
conclusion, this project was a very useful learning experience for all of the students in the class and the professor herself. We were able to touch on many important topics that are more than necessary to make the right voting decision. With the knowledge acquired in class, we were able to guide our minds in what we find more important when it comes to social issues like "Health Care", "Education" etc... Most important remember to make your vote be heard don't hold back on your decision no matter how crazy it might seem to those around you. Go Vote !!!
By: Randi Gonzalez
Wow! This was a great idea especially that I am one to fear my voice being heard. No matter how crazy this project might have been, it was excuted greatly and I can not wait to see what you come up with next.
ReplyDeleteThank you !!!