"Our Voice Matters Preparation Thoughts and Opinion"

Image result for miami dade voter registration
Elizabeth Carril 
April 3, 2020 

Why does our vote matters and how can we make a change? 
Ever since 1787, voting right has been put to use by many citizens during electoral elections. As stated by the 15th amendment “the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude”. In other words, no matter the race, nationally, or color, one must go out and vote for those who want the same goals as you and others. Having a voice in this country gives us the privilege to show the higher being who we are and what we are made of. Making a change can take effort but it also takes courage to make the first step by voting or protesting peacefully if you’re not a United States Citizen.                                           

"Our Voice Matters" Presentation Preparation" 
 As a class, the groups got together to come up with the ideal presentation to inform about the main topics that will come of question during the electoral meetings. I and the other class leader took in the role of facilitating the project by being of help in case students had any concerns about what they had to do or what to submit. It was our main role to be of moral support as well as keeping a record of everything that was turned in or what was done. Overall, the four groups were good, and their information contained very well researched information. With this project, I hope that the students themselves become more interested in voting during elections.

                                                                    Library Assistance 

                                                                    Blogger Workshop 

                                                                         Final touches

Presentation Day!!!


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